Saturday, June 16, 2007

Hi everybody who reads this blog,
this week I gonna be a little more busy than before because of my summer exams at the University. So I will probably be posting to this blog more rarely :)
My AODL Forms implementation (first part of my GSOC objective) is nearly finished. After some discussions with my mentor Lars Behrmann we decided that the thing I will concentrate now on is fixing bugs, writing tests and creating a demo application.
The first two points are in progress now. The third one is almost completed, but I've changed the initial goal - it was writing a demo application that loads any ODF file and creates a panel with controls corresponding to them. However, there could be a lot of problems with their positioning (ponder about a 100-page document with ODF Forms on every page). Of course, a scrollable panel could be created, but I decided to make a little bit simplier app that just creates a panel with a fixed set of controls and then "exports" and "imports" its values from the similar ODF Form.
Nevertheless, if I have enough time I will add extra features to it :)

The next step is ODF Fields - my second part of the GSoC!
I will be creating a detailed overview of their implementation soon.


Upd. I've just found a nasty bug producing an error while performing New-Load-Save, New-New-Save or Load-Load-Save with the same TextDocument instance.
It's already fixed :)

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